By Supernatural I mean things like Ghosts, Super Heroes, Vampires, Zombies... anything that doesn't actually exist in real life. Supernatural elements can be done well or poorly, depending on whether they're key to the plot, or just drafted in by a lazy writer as a fudge factor. Fantasy settings often include Supernatural elements as well, so I won't usually bother using both tags. If you're in a Fantasy World, just assume that there's going to be the odd Vampire in there somewhere as well. | ||
The DreamingThe Dreaming takes place in a haunted mansion, alone in the middle a large Australian forest. A good place to set a horror comic, you'd think. Posted Wednesday 30th September 2009 by Crazy Choco
Time GuardianIf you've ever read the Petshop of Horrors Manga, then I'd say that each chapter in Time Guardian plays out a bit like that; only of course without the horror. Posted Saturday 26th June 2010 by Crazy Choco
Vampire Doll
Vampire Doll goes everywhere. There are action stories, comedy stories, feel-good stories, sad stories, romance stories, and probably a few more I've missed listing. Posted Monday 9th November 2009 by Crazy Choco
Venus vs VirusVenus Versus Virus really seems to be about cliches. The series has a few very good ideas, surrounded by a layer of cliches.
Posted Sunday 28th November 2010 by Crazy Choco