By Supernatural I mean things like Ghosts, Super Heroes, Vampires, Zombies... anything that doesn't actually exist in real life.

Supernatural elements can be done well or poorly, depending on whether they're key to the plot, or just drafted in by a lazy writer as a fudge factor.

Fantasy settings often include Supernatural elements as well, so I won't usually bother using both tags. If you're in a Fantasy World, just assume that there's going to be the odd Vampire in there somewhere as well.


Chibi Vampire (Karin)

The main plot involves the deepening emotions between a vampire named Karin (who is the titular character in the original Japanese version which was named after her) and Kenta, a normal human.

Posted Monday 30th November 2009 by Crazy Choco

Chrono Crusade

It's probably too soon for a series featuring pope John Paul II leading a holy order of priests and nuns to fight evil demons and save the world.

But set it back in time a little bit and suddenly it's acceptable!

Posted Tuesday 11th August 2009 by Crazy Choco

Evil inc.

You would think that covering something that has been done to death would not be a good idea, but paradoxically for a comedy it works quite well.

Posted Tuesday 1st September 2009 by Crazy Choco

Faeries' Landing

Faeries' Landing strikes me as some kind of a weird experiment, or possibly an author just wanted to try out a few different genres in the same series. Oh My Goddess! is a strong influence though.

Posted Saturday 10th October 2009 by Crazy Choco