Hello and welcome to my blog! Here you'll find the occasional status update on the site, but mainly this is a home for anything non-Comic related that I want to mouth off about. It is much less focused on Comics/Manga than the rest of the site, but I hope you still find what I say here interesting. | ||
Wallace & Gromit ReviewHaving now played through the final episode, I thought it was worth looking at what I said the last time I mouthed off, and seeing how the last episode compared. The controls While I don't want to... Posted Thursday 30th July 2009 by Crazy Choco
Wallace & Gromit ImpressionsI did want to post my opinions about each episode in turn, but I've been a bit busy and never got around to that. Instead I think I'll write my thoughts as a spiel about the series so far. The... Posted Wednesday 17th June 2009 by Crazy Choco
JapanI ought to state from the start that going to Japan was quite an ordeal. There's an eight hour time difference between the UK and Japan, so we lost eight hours from the day, on top of a hours spent... Posted Friday 20th April 2007 by Crazy Choco
Phantasy Star Universe ReviewPre-History Phantasy Star Online, usually abbreviated to PSO, is a game that has claimed hundreds, even thousands, of hours from my life. As many commentators have said before me, it was a game... Posted Friday 24th November 2006 by Crazy Choco