Manga is the Japanese word for Comic. However the word has gained a slightly deeper meaning in the West, and most people tend to think of Comic Books and Manga as separate things. No-one has ever sat down and strictly defined the word Manga. Some people take it to mean "Japanese Comic", discounting “Original English Manga” (OEM). However on this site, I treat Manga as a style, and classify comics by what they are trying to be. So I take it to mean "Japanese-style Comic" (or possibly "Manga-style Comic" if you don't mind a self-referential definition), and hence include OEM in the Manga section. I also include any Comics from other countries (e.g. Korean-style Manga) that are in a similar style. | ||
MaburahoThere really hasn't been much thought put into making Maburaho different than anything that has come before, so I can classify it by slotting it neatly into the “Harem” pigeon-hole. Posted Thursday 20th August 2009 by Crazy Choco
Magical x MiracleAh, Shojo Manga. If the lead heroine got captured in any other genre, there'd most likely be a lot of fighting as her friends attempted to rescue her. Here, all that happens is the reader get a long monologue on how she is feeling. Posted Wednesday 12th August 2009 by Crazy Choco
Murder PrincessMurder Princess is mostly an action story, but the action is generally well paced and mixes in quite well with character development and plot progression. The characters are all slightly unrealistic and very slightly crazy. Posted Saturday 10th October 2009 by Crazy Choco
My Cat LokiApart from the whole fantasy, “I‘m imagining that my cat can talk” thing there is a very normal story being the Manga. There are no aliens invading the planet, there are no people with superpowers, it’s just an artist and his relationships with people, plus his journey to overcome his emotional withdraw. Posted Saturday 7th May 2011 by Crazy Choco